Healing starts with a simple touch.
Holistic Healing in the Bodywork Community is something I felt called to. By becoming an LMT in NY State I am able to pursue that dream. I ask that you allow me to embark on your journey of health and healing with you. I am excited to work with you and create a massage to your specific needs. I hope you will find all that you are looking for at Love Joy Peace Massage by Michelle Nicole. I look forward to working with you.
Oh my goodness, this is an excellent article. I do not believe that either Eastern or Western Medicine is better than the other…both fulfill the needs of care, both have strengths, both have weaknesses, but to ignore one and only consider the other I think is disrespectful, and harmful to all when care and health is at stake. Take a glance “It has taken me a while to accept that I may not always be…